最新カー情報。 サスティナブルな燃料を用いた新型車が、BE@RBRICK社より新登場! 今日は、そんな未来の自動車「BASIC」を紹介しよう!サスティナブルなエネルギーと聞いて、皆さんは何を想像するだろうか。電気?水素?いえいえ、BASICはそれ以上に環境に配慮したエネルギーで駆動します。それは、空気!BASICは、風を受けて走る「エンジンフリー」な究極のエコカーなのです!エンジンが無いからオイルも必要なく、メンテナンスも燃料代も完全フリー!最高速度は、超風の強い日で20km/hくらい!ご試乗は、風のある日にお近くのショールームヘ!
MORE DETAIL最新カー情報 サスティナブルな燃料を用いた新型車が、BE@RBRICK社より新登場! 今日は、そんな未来の自動車「BASIC」を紹介しよう!サスティナブルなエネルギーと聞いて、皆さんは何を想像するだろうか。電気?水素?いえいえ、BASICはそれ以上に環境に配慮したエネルギーで駆動します。それは、空気!BASICは、風を受けて走る「エンジンフリー」な究極のエコカーなのです!エンジンが無いからオイルも必要なく、メンテナンスも燃料代も完全フリー!最高速度は、超風の強い日で20km/hくらい!ご試乗は、風のある日にお近くのショールームヘ!
MORE DETAIL[black rainbow plating]
The latest car information. A new car model using sustainable fuel is now available from BE@RBRICK Inc.! Today, let's introduce the car of the future "BASIC"! What do you imagine when you think of sustainable energy? Electricity? Hydrogen? No, no, no, BASIC is powered by an even more environmentally friendly energy. It's AIR! BASIC is the ultimate "engine-free" eco-car that runs by the wind! Since there is no engine, oil is not required, and maintenance and fuel costs are completely free! The maximum speed is about 20 km/h on a super windy day! For a test drive visit a showroom on a windy day!
MORE DETAIL最新カー情報。 サスティナブルな燃料を用いた新型車が、BE@RBRICK社より 新登場! 今日は、そんな未来の自動車「BASIC」を紹介しよう! サスティナブルな エネルギーと聞いて、皆さんは何を想像するだろうか。 電気?水素?いえいえ、BASICは それ以上に環境に配慮したエネルギーで駆動します。それは、空気! BASICは、風を受けて走る「エンジンフリー」な究極のエコカーなのです! エンジンが無いからオイルも必要なく、メンテナンスも燃料代も完全フリー! 最高速度は、超風の強い日で20km/hくらい! ご試乗は、風のある日にお近くのショールームヘ!
MORE DETAILThe latest car information. A new car model using sustainable fuel is now available from BE@RBRICK Inc.! Today, let's introduce the car of the future "BASIC"! What do you imagine when you think of sustainable energy? Electricity? Hydrogen? No, no, no, BASIC is powe red by an even more environmentally friendly energy. It's AIR! BASIC is the ultimate "engine-free" eco-car that runs by the wind! Since there is no engine, oil is not required, and maintenance and fuel costs are completely free! The maximum speed is about 20 km/h on a super windy day! For a test drive visit a showroom on a windy day!
MORE DETAILThe latest car information. A new car model using sustainable fuel is now available from BE@RBRICK Inc.! Today, let's introduce the car of the future "BASIC"! What do you imagine when you think of sustainable energy? Electricity? Hydrogen? No, no, no, BASIC is powe red by an even more environmentally friendly energy. It's AIR! BASIC is the ultimate "engine-free" eco-car that runs by the wind! Since there is no engine, oil is not required, and maintenance and fuel costs are completely free! The maximum speed is about 20 km/h on a super windy day! For a test drive visit a showroom on a windy day!
PATTERN goes on a mountain
road on a carbon frame road bike.
He is a so-called "climber" who is good at climbing uphill in road races. PATTERN is a genuine
climber who prefers going uphill rather than having three meals a day. He loves going uphill
so much that he can spend half a day looking at the stock charts of popular stocks. He likes
uphill so much that he refuses to go downhill in races and retires every time. "I wish I had a
mountain only uphill!" It's his impossible dream. PATTERN continues to climb on uphill roads
against gravity today.
PATTERN goes on a mountain
road on a carbon frame road bike.
He is a so-called "climber"
who is good at climbing uphill in road races.
PATTERN is a genuine climber who prefers going uphill
rather than having three meals a day.
He loves going uphill so much that he can spend half a day
looking at the stock charts of popular stocks.
He likes uphill so much
that he refuses to go downhill
in races and retires every time.
"I wish I had a mountain only uphill!"
It's his impossible dream.
PATTERN continues to climb on uphill
roads against gravity today.
PATTERN goes on a mountain
road on a carbon frame road bike.
He is a so-called "climber"
who is good at climbing uphill in road races.
PATTERN is a genuine climber who prefers going uphill
rather than having three meals a day.
He loves going uphill so much that he can spend half a day
looking at the stock charts of popular stocks.
He likes uphill so much
that he refuses to go downhill
in races and retires every time.
"I wish I had a mountain only uphill!"
It's his impossible dream.
PATTERN continues to climb on uphill
roads against gravity today.
ババ抜きですよ? それが何か?
ババ抜きで賭けちゃいけませんか?あと、パスを2回駆使してギリギリまで8を止めて勝ったり…え?七並べですが、何か?七並べで賭けちゃダメなんて、誰が決めたの? ねえ!
FLAGは、カジノの腕利きディーラーである。 カジノのディーラーは、非常にシビアな職業だ。客を喜ばせるために、勝ち過ぎてもいけない。かといって、ボロ負けしたんじゃ即クビだ。そこそこ勝たせて客をいい気分にさせながら、ギリギリのところで勝つ。そんな技術を持った者だけが、一流と言える。FRAGは、序盤で客のカードからからジョーカーを引き当て、目線を見極め、心理を読み取り、最後はジョーカーを引かせる。まさに神業といえるテクニックだ。え? ババ抜きですよ? それが何か? ババ抜きで賭けちゃいけませんか?あと、パスを2回駆使してギリギリまで8を止めて勝ったり…え?七並べですが、何か?七並べで賭けちゃダメなんて、誰が決めたの? ねえ!
FLAG is an expert casino dealer. Casino dealer is a tough job. You must not win too much to please the customers, but on the other hand if you lose too much you're immediately fired. You have to let the customers win moderately and win back at the end. Only those who have such skills are said to be first-class dealer. FLAG draws the joker from the customer's hand at the start, looks at their eyes, reads their mind, and finally let them draw the joker at the very end. It's just a divine technique. What? Yeah, it’s Old Maid, so what? You don't bet when you play Old Maid? Also, he uses the pass twice to stop 8 until the last minute and win. What? Yeah, it's Sevens, something wrong? Who decided not to bet on Sevens?
ババ抜きですよ? それが何か?
ババ抜きで賭けちゃいけませんか?あと、パスを2回駆使してギリギリまで8を止めて勝ったり…え?七並べですが、何か?七並べで賭けちゃダメなんて、誰が決めたの? ねえ!
FLAG is an expert casino dealer. Casino dealer is a tough job. You must not win too much to please the customers, but on the other hand if you lose too much you're immediately fired. You have to let the customers win moderately and win back at the end. Only those who have such skills are said to be first-class dealer. FLAG draws the joker from the customer's hand at the start, looks at their eyes, reads their mind, and finally let them draw the joker at the very end. It's just a divine technique. What? Yeah, it’s Old Maid, so what? You don't bet when you play Old Maid? Also, he uses the pass twice to stop 8 until the last minute and win. What? Yeah, it's Sevens, something wrong? Who decided not to bet on Sevens?
MORE DETAILFLAG is an expert casino dealer. Casino dealer is a tough job. You must not win too much to please the customers, but on the other hand if you lose too much you're immediately fired. You have to let the customers win moderately and win back at the end. Only those who have such skills are said to be first-class dealer. FLAG draws the joker from the customer's hand at the start, looks at their eyes, reads their mind, and finally let them draw the joker at the very end. It's just a divine technique. What? Yeah, it’s Old Maid, so what? You don't bet when you play Old Maid? Also, he uses the pass twice to stop 8 until the last minute and win. What? Yeah, it's Sevens, something wrong? Who decided not to bet on Sevens?
渚に佇むJB。 どうということのない、地元の海辺。人気もまばらな砂浜に腰を下ろし、打ち寄せる波を見ている。冬の海は冷たく厳しいと人は言うが、JBにとっては、心を和ませる碧にほかならない。夏に見せるよそゆきの顔とは違う、不愛想だが穏やかな碧。誰にも求められていないことを悲しむこともなく、ただ繰り返すだけの律動。孤独とは、こうあるべきだとJBは思う。誰のためでもなく、為す。それが孤独であり、それが生きるということだ。JBは海に求めない。海も彼に求めない。交わることのない関係に身を置いて、JBはゆっくりと自身の存在を癒していく。日暮れまで。
MORE DETAIL渚に佇むJB。 どうということのない、地元の海辺。人気もまばらな砂浜に腰を下ろし、打ち寄せる波を見ている冬の海は冷たく厳しいと人は言うが、JBにとっては、心を和ませる碧にほかならない。夏に見せるよそゆきの顔とは違う、不愛想だが穏やかな碧。誰にも求められていないことを悲しむこともなく、ただ繰り返すだけの律動。孤独とは、こうあるべきだとJBは思う。誰のためでもなく、為す。それが孤独であり、それが生きるということだ。JBは海に求めない。海も彼に求めない。交わることのない関係に身を置いて、JBはゆっくりと自身の存在を癒していく。日暮れまで。
JB standing on the beach. It is an ordinary local beach. He sits down alone on the sand and watches the waves crashing. People say that the winter sea is cold and harsh, but it is nothing but a soothing blue for JB. An unfriendly but calm blue that is different from the atmosphere shown in summer. The waves repeat the same rhythm without sadness even if no one is demanding it. JB realizes that it is what loneliness should be like. Acting, even if it is not for anyone. That is loneliness and that is life. JB doesn't ask the sea for anything and the sea doesn't ask him for anything. JB slowly heals his existence in an unrelated relationship. Until nightfall.
MORE DETAIL渚に佇むJB。 どうということのない、地元の海辺。人気もまばらな砂浜に腰を下ろし、打ち寄せる波を見ている。冬の海は冷たく厳しいと人は言うが、JBにとっては、心を和ませる碧にほかならない。夏に見せるよそゆきの顔とは違う、不愛想だが穏やかな碧。誰にも求められていないことを悲しむこともなく、ただ繰り返すだけの律動。孤独とは、こうあるべきだとJBは思う。誰のためでもなく、為す。それが孤独であり、それが生きるということだ。JBは海に求めない。海も彼に求めない。交わることのない関係に身を置いて、JBはゆっくりと自身の存在を癒していく。日暮れまで。
MORE DETAILJB standing on the beach. It is an ordinary local beach. He sits down alone on the sand and watches the waves crashing. People say that the winter sea is cold and harsh, but it is nothing but a soothing blue for JB. An unfriendly but calm blue that is different from the atmosphere shown in summer. The waves repeat the same rhythm without sadness even if no one is demanding it. JB realizes that it is what loneliness should be like. Acting, even if it is not for anyone. That is loneliness and that is life. JB doesn't ask the sea for anything and the sea doesn't ask him for anything. JB slowly heals his existence in an unrelated relationship. Until nightfall.
MORE DETAILJB standing on the beach. It is an ordinary local beach. He sits down alone on the sand and watches the waves crashing. People say that the winter sea is cold and harsh, but it is nothing but a soothing blue for JB. An unfriendly but calm blue that is different from the atmosphere shown in summer. The waves repeat the same rhythm without sadness even if no one is demanding it. JB realizes that it is what loneliness should be like. Acting, even if it is not for anyone. That is loneliness and that is life. JB doesn't ask the sea for anything and the sea doesn't ask him for anything. JB slowly heals his existence in an unrelated relationship. Until nightfall.