金メダルさんにはそりゃさすがに敵わないけどさ、銀メダルの野郎なんかには負けないつもりだぜ! だってさ、金メダル様は決勝戦で勝った選手がもらえるものだから、そりゃあ喜ばれるだろうけど、銀メダルは決勝戦で負けてもらうものだからね。大概、もらうとき悔し泣きしてるよね、選手。くそー、銀メダルかー、ちくしょーって。よっぽど欲しくないんだろうね! 銀メダルが! その点ぼくら銅メダルは、3位決定戦で勝ってもらうものだからね、そりゃもう選手ニッコニコよ。やったー、銅メダルだー! ウェーイ! ってさ。まるでパリピよ、パリピ。ウェーイ! って。どう?銀メダルなんかより全然人気でしょ?銅メダル。さあ、みんなも目指せ! 銅メダル!!
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Of course we are not as good as Mr. Gold medal but we are better than Silver medal! Mr. Gold medal is pleased because the players have to win in the finals but Silver medal won't be as pleased because they get it by losing in the finals. The players are mostly crying in vexation when they receive it. Damn, Silver medal! I guess nobody wants a Silver medal! Compared to that, Bronze medal is given by winning in the 3rd place playoff game so the players are pleased. "Yeah! I got a bronze!" They are celebrating like a party people! How cool is that? We are much more popular than Silver medal, aren’t we!? Bronze medal! Go for Bronze medal!!
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
The clear air of a sunny winter day is stroking the houses of lattice doors. JB is walking around Gion in the day time because you can feel the casual atmosphere better in the day time than the illusion you feel in the night time made by lanterns. There is a cafe with a storefront weeping willow featuring Japanese-style sweets. Let's take a break here today. A man is eating Kuzumochi at the entertainment district. There is no luxury superior to that. Sweetness is direct pleasure. Every pleasure is expressed using sweetness, isn't it? Sweet words, sweet smell, sweet time. The sense of happiness melts into that black honey. Sweetness of Kuzumochi reminds me of my youth.
The feeling of love that I felt when I was young. Deceiving a self-conscious smile with a yawn, JB gently looked at the five-story pagoda outside the window.
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
c DreamWorks Distribution Limited. All rights reserved.
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
Therefore, I am not interested in what people say is good.
I only believe in what I’ve experienced. For example, Salmiakki.
Everyone says it's awful but have you tried it?
Or have you ever experienced the great feeling after you get out of a sauna room and take off your sauna hat? Moreover,
what if the night was sunny and you see aurora in the night sky?
In other words, you should decide meanings and values after actually experiencing them.
That becomes the true value for you and there is no meaning in non-experienced information.
Salmiakki really tastes awful by the way!
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
JUSTICE LEAGUE and all related characters and elements c & ? DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s17)
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
BE@RBRICK TM & c 2001-2017
MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.